This page was inspired by Martijn van Iersel's render comparison page. And was developed for the better integration of the SBML Layout libraries with support for the LibSBGN Markup format.
How does this site work? This site is implemented on top of ASP MVC. All information is dynamically located. That is:
- The Reference results are taken from SVN: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/libsbgn/code/trunk/test-files/
- The PathViso results come straight from Matijns page: http://azraelbigcat.dyndns.org/reports/libsbgn/render_comparison/
- The SBML Render Extension results are directly generated on the server using the latest version of the SBML extension library. For this, each individual file is generated dynamically by checking out the SBGN file from: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/libsbgn/code/trunk/test-files/.
- Vanted files are generated nightly using the latest jar file provided by Tobias Czauderna.
Please contact me with any suggestions.