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Web Tools


About SED-ML Web Tools

This website allows to display, simulate or validate SED-ML documents. For more information about the Simulation Experiment Markup Language see the SED-ML Website.

All functionality seen on this site has been implemented using libSedML a set of .NET libraries for creating / editing / simulating or validating SED-ML files.


Here a simple example that shows how to create a SED-ML document from SBML and then alters it using the SED-ML script panel.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Online Services

You can also consume this service using either a full W3C Web Service exposing all functionality of this application, or using REST and simply post SED-ML documents or COMBINE archives to one of this URL to retrieve another COMBINE archive that includes the result:

  curl -F file=@"experiment1.omex"
       -o result.omex

Optionally, you could also add the parameters width and height to influence the size of 2D plots created (otherwise width will be set to 640 and height to 480).

  curl -F file=@"experiment1.omex"
       -F width=800
       -F height=600
       -o result.omex